LIMBO There is a perch above the earth, That some reside Not quite as high as the sunrise But just beneath the cool of the night sky I deny that I feel envy to those above I But I do imply that my mind sometimes Fantasize of tippy toed extensions Squinting eyes and hands high to the heavens as I grasp at the precipice thrilled at the benefits That awaits an individual such as me A monumental moment most men may miss Due to the maleficent molded macho make Of there guarded guile jilted while stilted Elevation of ones own ego But we know it’s a heavy task To wear that mask when Peaking up at that perch Only makes your neck hurt But the toll to reach that elevated road Is as simple as letting her know You’d rather be home Just you two alone Two heads on one pillow Curtains drawn and windows closed Night till dawn with flesh exposed Just three words to let her know “Ascend with me” Then of you’ll go And that my love, is the space above Atop the night but below the sun That I seek to reach once you get home Love XIN