The scribble- aka nonsense: I always try and categorize everything into a neat package. My own make due box if you will. Weather its food, friends, life, love, pain and sorrow, it all get stowed away in a box as I try to connect them to make sense. But in the end it is, and I am (my boxes) over shadowed by it, myself. I'm a "complex creator" is the LAST thing people will know when I'm gone. But it’s all nonsense. I'm just a control freak
The baby drinking- aka nurturing: I made him. It’s so weird. Of all the things I've painted, wrote, and sculpted or whatever this (Essek) is by far the best and last work of art I could ever create. He drinks because I thought him that his beverage is in a vessel to get he has to drink. He sleeps securely because daddy (me) will always keep him from harm. "I'm a good father" is the LAST thing people will remember when I'm gone. But it’s all nurturing. I'm just good with instinct
My new plant- aka optimism: this flower is actually a fake. I put it in the fish bowl to try and make my fish (merlin) a little happier. Even though his brain is the size of a 6 font "O" he deserve a bit of joy in his aquatic dwelling. It’s the last lesson I can give to those that fall in a dark place. The smallest things have a big purpose “I was always optimistic" is the LAST thing people will think when I'm gone. But I'm just courteous………………….
There’s more but its personal
One night I took random photos and sent them to a friend. Each one represented a piece of the collective thoughts I was having for the night.