How noble must the Saviour be? How could He serve God best? One miracle for all to see? A healing touch that blessed? A prophecy for all to hear? A word of knowledge shared? A servant's heart throughout each year? Long prayers to prove He cared? A psalm of praise to write and sing? Share parables as well? Perhaps a precious tithe to bring? Or strongly warn of Hell? Or simply say, 'Be born again!' and thus help minds transform? Or walk on water now and then? Control the raging storm?
Or bring God's Kingdom not by force... just preaching with a smile? Or ride a donkey, not a horse? Or walk the second mile? I know that Christ was Heaven-sent... and Holy Spirit led, He wanted sinners to repent... that's why Christ's Blood was shed... The Lamb of God was crucified... and yet He chose to stay... His precious life was sacrificed... to take our sins away... How noble must the Saviour be? Enough to die for us... We found that out through Calvary... the day we found JESUS!