It’s like crying in the rain Being drowned out by the rest of the world’s woes. A voice yearning to be heard But can’t utter a single word . . . it’s too young. Too young for a world so old. Facing the brunt beginning of our future We’re just the runts of the pack. Aware of the all the deluded foolishness Amidst this crazy circus Trying to put a stop to the ruthlessness And erase the selfishness We only have a “futile” esophagus.
Old beliefs, but new fashion Knowledge is dangerous to those who have it, And all the youth who have it Are shunned . . . because youthful thoughts are unformed views. “Useful” thoughts come from a view That is so high up and extremely corrupt It makes the change seem distant. And discouragement from the encouragement Is the exact thing that’s sought. Take a stand and make all the old beliefs rot It’s time for the new fashion: A youthful mind and fruitful esophagus.
Youthful minds are intelligent but shut out by the "mature" ones. Discouraged, they don't speak up for what they believe in. We are a huge part of the country but such a little part of everything that is happening. We need to make our voices heard because our future is being planned by those who didn't grow up in OUR present.