I penned a pen bent out of my mind asylum I seek, and of fetid dreams I reek silence dreaded, but it seems it's all she can speak..
should have taken my time, but padded cells they shook us to the core; in our loneliness we held each other in embrace like no-one has ever been held before; today I awoke dizzy; confused, and admitted to another shore one that swashes in pain; like an ocean of glass and with each break, her memory shreds my heart like an open sore.
so I slowly begin to wash away the pain, disaster being; my mind isn't even mine, and it's always been that way; even before I realized sanity was just a game but in the grind of life, it's a hellish reminder to not have been born very sane.
profusely I beg, and plead; but it's as plain as day, she's never coming back; so slack, and bleed, and cut as we may; administer the habitual as I plead and pray-- not to cut too deep; because this life it's already taken most of me away.