Away back in the beginning of time Their became a plan~ To organize the earths greatest concert ever That would be through the earth and land~ A one and only first time ever Concert such as this upon this earth~ North,East,South ,West, Around the planet girth to girth~ Created naturally by earths own nature Supported right throughout of every land~ By every living thing and entity that be To create a musical symphony ever grand~ A concert of nature to have all upon earth To be all ever so very aware~ Of all the sounds and music and gifts of nature All playing their own beyond compare~ Of all natures music upon this earth In such a perfect and natural way~ Of all the sounds that are around to be heard From every part of earth,land sea,night or day~ All played and performed only from nature As only nature it's self would have it be~ Every single entity playing it's own songs One grand natural symphony~ From all of things on earth that always existed And from many more that still exist today~ As much recording effort was simply not needed To have them all so naturally sing and play~ Sounds of nature and songs from all entities From wind,the ocean and breeze~ From even smallest crickets to the elephants All take part in natures songs with ease~ The rain it played it's many rhythms And how all the breezes lent such a hand~ Smallest frogs within natures natural brooks All singing in tune from mountains tops down to beach sand~ The many tall trees play their forest flutes All gardens put on such a display~ With all from butterflies to busy bees Every entity producing their music natures way~ Endless birds singing their songs Babbling brooks playing over washed clean stones~ And even upon the wildernesses many planes The wind their plays songs with grasses,sand and bones~ Not a natural animal or insect to be left out Every single smallest and largest thing~ All part of natures gifts and talents As one the sounds of nature they all sing~ The largest ever to be natural earths own concert All in tune to this day is still taking place~ Nature never needed to record it at all As it is always playing perfectly with natural grace~ One could not list all of the musicians So many and so well how they play~ Free of charge non stop day and night Natures gift nobody has to pay~ One never needs to buy it as it's free For one and all upon this earth~ All they have to do is stop to listen To natures symphonies of such worth~