Way down in a shadey spot Where I've a plant hospital there~ In old buckets and tins Where I can doctor them and care~ Up on a long thin hanging branch I saw an amazing sight that day~ Natures natural respect As two catapillers crawled upon their way~ There was I watching these two little grubs Crawling towards each other on this limb~ Only room enough for one to go The chance of passing it was slim~ But when they got together Head to head right there~ They spent a good half hour Trying to pass each other and be fair~ One end up hanging half off So the other could get by~ And as soon as the other got on its way To get back again how the hanging grub did try~ The one that past it waited there Till the hanging grub got back~ And then it went slowly upon its way To where it was headed down the track~ I thought how conciderate Two little grubs could be~ And I wondered if was a grub Would it do that for me~ I thought about how people Bump into others every day~ When so many are out shopping It's just get out of my way~ There was not any hurry As these two did what they were there to do~ And they were but two little grubs And showed such concideration it is true~ If people could all be the same Or from their book just take a page~ Planetarial concideration Might just one day be the latest rage~