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Apr 2018
He's got his pizza and his brotherhood
When he smiles to himself
Or to me
I gaze longingly
His laughter reminds me of the past
But the antics that made me want it to last
I can imagine the man you will become
I can see you already becoming him.

You're a little whimsical
A little young
Biting me back
You need a haircut
I wanna purr next to you
As you fold me into your warm fresh skin
I can feel your delight and satisfaction with me
I wonder if what you feel resembles love.

I drink wine
Write into the silence
You want this and you want that
Wrapping yourself around me
Looking into my eyes as you give me
A feeling I haven't felt in so long.
Written by
OnwardFlame  Los Angeles, CA
(Los Angeles, CA)   
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