It is nighttime The sky is a black purple with edges of black You are standing beside a beach Stars scatter the sky The sky is clear except for a few wisps of clouds which streak the sky and can be seen by the moonlight The moon is bright casting a light on the water The waves move in and out to a slow pulse As you stand by the water, your heart slows to the pulse of the water, in and out Your lungs fill with the smell of salt in the air Your feet are bare You put your feet in the water, but it is not cold The foam covers your feet as your toes bury into the sand As you look to the sky, the moon takes on a purplish haze through the sparse clouds Beams of light shine down on the water making it sparkle like diamonds As the moon brightens, the waves slow down While it is dark, you can see every detail, you can see the white caps of the waves There is no noise, only the sound of stillness, and your heart beating As you listen to the quiet, you realize that you are at peace You are where you are supposed to be