First proclaimed in the year Madonna reached half century another day to celebrate what’s made evident to be blessed 26th of April’s breadth visibility on the breeze what was covert is now made plain a healthy wind that still blows
It’s the day to be seen out of closets into day for the fair that love the same walking tall without shame by the singles or the pairs it’s still pure no matter what beauty found and then proclaimed fealty to life’s desire.
Relationships bloom from love’s loam too long buried in plain sight what was hid is now bearing fruit for future’s gain what’s once kindled none should forsake no longer should the door be closed celebrating the joy of self shared with others in love’s embrace.
Visibility is a struggle for all people in the LGBQTIA+ community. There are days dedicated to all those who identify with one or more of the letters. Lesbian Visibility Day is celebrated April 26. The day showcases women-loving-women, providing a platform for lesbian role models to speak out on the issues facing female ****** minorities. The origins of the day remain mysterious, but is has been running since 2008. Having initially started in the US, Lesbian Visibility Day – thanks to the wonders of the worldwide web – is now celebrated internationally.