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Apr 2018
Prowling neon shadows,
between the bass lines,
amongst the ******* clad,
multicolored glowsticks shine.

Twisting bodies on the move,
covered in ultraviolet paint,
on an ecstatic trip,
that no one possibly could taint.

Laser lights and bubbles too,
float throughout the air,
lost in the psychedelic,
most don't even care.

DJ on the stage,
like a conductor with baton,
conducts the human orchestra,
all the way till dawn.

Screams and woos excited,
as the songs never stop,
dancing till exhaustion,
till they all start to drop.

Music starts to fade,
as the sun comes up,
the balloons come down,
and coffee cups fill up.
The Fire Burns
Written by
The Fire Burns  M/Artesia, NM
(M/Artesia, NM)   
   --- and Gabriel burnS
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