I either have a bottle to drink, or a ship to measure to tailored wood and arc and sail and will, or I don't have a bottle to drink, as smashed as one might hear a piano fall or a crescendo of chandeliers, right before a maiden, on an iron voyage, and all was to be well, wed and bloated on fairy perfumes... or I don't... and indeed the sinking ship. of course people will always read more novels than poems... it's the only medium where you can effectively hide repeating yourself, not have an overstretched vocab., and, as most people do, fly the economy class, buy by the bulk, and not by the quality... come to think of it... I have come to appreciate poetry for one thing, an one thing alone... it makes you a more ardent reader... **** going to Marienburg that's 12 hours by coach! to pedantic of me to give myself away to such a romance... write a ****** poem = a doubled errancy / ambition in finishing a book... as ever... the diatribe district... writing poetry can only make you a more ardent reader, it was never about any ars poetica or art for art's sake... I knew a guy once... who thought he could write poetry, and fiction... turns out... he was much more a fanatic of video games... than writing books... or what making love with prostitutes does to you sneering at the surrogate mothers of paddington... bookmarks, come to think of it.