Taboo! Taboo! I love you more than I should. On the alter of Sin, I forfeit my sole to you!
Why is my love for you Taboo? Love, so strong in spirit. Love, so true and fresh. Join together our flesh, with love & spirit.
How can such love be forbidden? Natural Love, Innocent Love. Love, that can not be overridden!
Contentment and happiness, can't be obtained, While longing for you. If only I could. Love, never fully expressed, never fully contained. I love you more than I should.
A normal day, It can not be. Your essences is constantly with me. Taboo love for you, from me.
More than normal love, I am in love with you. I love you more than I should!
Bitter Sweet, Taboo Love. Must it, will it, always be Taboo!