we've discovered another bare and transparent soul like us. We hear and fear the silence, unable to be one with the crowd. I too once wanted the whole world to hear me, to praise me, to remember me, giving them all and feeling emptier than ever. I have sought after souls like me, but I forgot that loud souls like us are the least to be heard.
And indeed, it was in the moment, in the fleeting, that I noticed a quiet soul that must have felt everything, and reflected their pain upon an indifferent world.
They must have seemed so distant and untouchable to the world, but I can hear their pain, I can see their soul. Every line every word of theirs is beautiful.
But, they are also so fragile, so prone to pain that to love them, I must never give up, to make them feel warm, to make them feel safe.
I have to love them like I have never been loved before.