Why did there have to be a rugged tree? Why did he have to die that way you see? Why did innocent blood have to pay the cost? Why did they have to nail him to an Old Rugged Cross? God our creator loves everyone, but because of sin something had to be done. The covenants he made, We're Never Enough. Man would always find a way to become corrupt. In our weakness, in our Foolish Pride, God needed a way to bridge The Divide. So he went and ask Heavens Holy One, the captain of the Heavenly Host to be the one begotten. Giving up his title and His glory, he obeyed the father's will. To become the perfect sacrifice, and die on a lonely Hill. Between two thieves, he paid the final cost. The perfect lamb was slain and victory was won but at terrible loss . So great was our Father's Love, that there had to be a cross.