Alright, I'm standing in a rain soaked field looking due North at the stacked glorious nothing.
And the vapid brands that stamped and covered these walls are an echo of their vibrant former hues.
The people drive round and down trying to get to their brown house maybe. The parking lots are planar grey graves, commemorating the former lives of the
ghosts of shopping malls past dying ghosts of shopping malls past.
Right on, I'm walking through the Holocaust memorial with my coat buttoned to my throat. The dying lights of the Sharper Image really makes a mockery of what they left.
There is the shell of a Banana Republic. There's Old Navy, Gamestop, Footlocker Shoes. This is the food court where I hit on that girl who ended up being as forgettable as a food court meal.
Okay, now I'm looking out just one mile south at the excavators pushing the dirt and the rock Digging into land bought by the City, to build up a new store or twenty
This new real estate is assured to bring "vibrancy" to our local economy. Those old stores aren't the right location so let's just leave, they never existed and
a single family of mallards swim is circles in Yorkshire Lake. Calmly watching as the engines get closer, not really expecting their time is over to bring in the future of
the ghosts of shopping malls past. Another ghost of shopping malls past.