The moon would rise into the sky with the wind, and I would fly and cast shadows upon her face where the magical tears flowed until embrace
I never knew where I belonged Lost from all the things for which I longed Found that lone can be brighter than alone And a billion treasures lie in the silence of a place; undiscovered....
Gaia envelops me Haya Griva some things i cannot explain and some things i must keep to myself for life has brought me where i am this is living in ITSelf
Oh and they say we walk these paths, friend. but what if we stray away from the trails of where others have dug up what was to be found if we go somewhere in obsolete we may not find anything at all but a footprint do you see all of these footprints?
I will submerge into the ocean I will plunge into the dark forests i will find the things the eye would not yet beleive and show it to the few people who could really see