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Apr 2018
( αφιερωμένη στην Κωνσταντῖνος - Προφέρω τον ποιητή) )

Cathy was
my imaginary friend.

Went everywhere together.
Did everything together.

We two were
as one.

But alas Cathy was
not long for this world.

She got run over
by a milk float.

I can still hear the rattling
of the bottles with the blue tops.

"NOOOOoooooooo!" I screamed
as if were were in a sloooow-mooooo movie.

She kept smiling at me
as the float flattened her.

I guess she got the physics
of the real and the imaginary

world tangled up
never saw it coming.

Death was instantaneous.
She couldn't have felt anything.

There was milk

After that I stuck to who
I knew were of this world.

I have now three 3-D friends.

Mum was relieved.
Stopped setting the table for two.

She had only ever
wanted the one child.

"No, thank you...I never
take milk.

Earl Grey.
Slice of lemon.
Donall Dempsey
Written by
Donall Dempsey  Guildford
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