Similar feelings in similar situations Flirty, playful, good conversation Their names run together in my mind I bite my tongue before i speak the wrong one All i want is just one No, not one of them Someone who holds me when im hurting and knows when Knows me, knows how to let me cry Knows why I speak my mind Calls me on my crimes Doesnt tell me lies Who gets me every time Yes its sappy and Im whining Trying to picture perfect But perfects not worth it Cuz its never real * Just a moment you steal Then reality kicks down the door Tussled hair, pants on the floor Youre the fool who got used by a tool Or you did the using Its just semantics, but you think you're broken And thats what it is * Every time you give, you leave a little more behind Think itll be different next time Why?
Because the only other option is giving up on something new And thats just something you'd rather not do
When you are with a new lover, but your old lover's name is about to come out of your mouth.