The darkness here is thick and cold Im living a life but I'm not bold I sit here scared Scared of my life Scared for my life Scared of where my life will lead
There is no light For it has ran My life's not bright Its boring, bland
So here I am where ever this is In a place of darkness, fear, no bliss
Its dark in here Its cold in here I look around can't see the ground where am I
Then I see a flicker of light I come closer Its suddenly bright In the darkness In the cold Where am I
Then the brightness fades away Im stuck again where i was before In the darkness In the cold Where am I
My skin is burning I'm freezing cold I want my pain to end In the darkness In the cold Where am I
But then all a sudden In front of me I happen to see A figure a shadow Of who it is I'm meant to be In the darkness In the cold Where am I
This figure reaches Outstreched hand Gives me a light A torch in hand In the darkness In the cold Where am I
I thought the torch Would warm me up But the fire's cold The wood will not scorch In the darkness In the cold Where am i
I look around Now able to see I see no color Only dark empathy In the darkness In the cold Where am I
Im all alone My feelings drone I feel like I'm A life unknown In the darkness In the cold Where am I
I live my life In the darkness here But no one truly knows my fear In the darkness In the cold Where am I
I fear a lot of what is to come And where my thoughts will be Im lying here my thoughts all dead Then I remember my life I dread
In the darkness In the cold Where am I? The answer is I'm in my mind Alone and unforgiving
My mind is dark Not easily lit And if a light Can manage to shine Its only for a bit
My life is shattered, torn, and cruel I feel like I'm in a standing duel A duel I cant win because if my sin Because of my lack of sustaining joy
So here I remain In the darkness In the cold Stuck inside my mind Please someone Make it end
An end to all my grief Only then will you be Someone I can love A sincere and true friend.
So please my friend Be a light A light that will last Or else my head and I We may just have to never see An end to this dark sickness For it to end is what I plea