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Apr 2018
I look in the mirror and I’m always surprised at what I see

Who the hell is that always staring back at me;

I’ll just stand there, looking at all his imperfections

And I can see him judging me as well, it’s his daily inspection:

I look at his eyes; they don’t shine nearly as bright

And his hairs that use to be black are slowly turning white;

I mumble something under my breath and he does the same

My eyes meet his as I ask what did you say, I yell this isn’t a game:

Who the hell are you to come into my home

Always there to remind me of my flaws, as I pick up my comb;

I yell more expletives at him, and he does as well

Who’s mad at whom now, I can’t even tell:

I finish brushing my teeth and rinsing my mouth

The feeling I had when I woke is gone, it’s gone south;

Before I shut off the light, I catch a last glimpse and shake my head

As I close the door, I call back like a coward, I wish you were dead:
Written by
Lucio  45/M/Oregon
     ---, Surbhi Dadhich and ---
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