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Oct 2012
you make me insane
i don't get it
i can't explain it
but i hate it
how you can't look at me
how you won't talk to me
how just seeing you makes me mad
i try talking but it makes no sense
and i just wanna make it all go away
i wanna run and never stop
maybe if i get far enough away
your face will fade into the blur of my past
than i can look to my future
but i never make it
i'm almost there
and... i just can't fight it
so i turn just one last look
and i see you
and i miss it
all the nice conversations
how you made me laugh
how you treated me
like... a girl
like i was pretty
like i was worth something
and i can't keep running
but i won't turn back
and i have no where to go
i wish someone would save me
but i'm getting more lost every second
soon i'm not sure anyone will be able to find me
Written by
OneCorn  Fillory
   Pure LOVE
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