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Apr 2018
I have tried to imagine my world without you:
summer swarming bees, distant Cotswold peaks
hidden in snow. The beauty of autumn mornings
along Blaisdon's remembered country roads;
a sunlit river Severn beyond Westbury, the
whirr of pheasants at spring midday and
the calling of owls towards midnight.

Now I know that none of it is the same
without you. But most of all I will never
forget your smile, your eyes your
gentleness and giving, your loyalty
and caring for old friends: *** Carter,
Frank and Elsie Hogg, in particular.
The memories we treasured, the
enjoyments we shared.

The love is forever there
despite time or distance -
clarified through tears.
So today I celebrate that
you existed; thanking
all of life for your life,
expressing my deepest
gratitude that out of
millions of people
and possibilities
our lives were destined
to be intermingled.

As in sorrow,  I mourn your passing,
I know clearly and forever my world
can never be the same: Without You.

anthony Brady
Written by
anthony Brady  79/M/Co. Fermanagh. N. Ireland
(79/M/Co. Fermanagh. N. Ireland)   
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