I lay down to sleep every night, and I imagine I am in your warm embrace, being kept safe from the childish fears I hold onto in the daylight and the dark. And in my twilight moment, between resting and waking nightmares, I almost believe it as a fact, that I am no longer alone, no longer fragile. When I rise in the morning, I call your name to silence, and a bit of the color in my world fades, turns to gray. You have disappeared, and I am once again alone and afraid. Where is it that you go, when you disappear from my mortal plane? Is it a better place? A beautiful place? One full of the colors you have taken from me, and the warmth you give in return? Or is it tragic, broken, cold and colorless? A place you are bound to by obligation, and not preference? Where happiness is few and far between? And then I realize, that you don't go anywhere. It is me that is leaving you every day. And I hate myself for it.