It's night time. The stars are shining and my soul is awake. I leave my study and go outside. I look up to the sky and have this feeling.... Something's watching me. Who or what and why i ask myself. But i already know what you are. I see a bright follows me. As i stand in shock,i feel a power enter me....a power I've never felt before. It's like my organs are being crushed yet it doesn't hurt. I see a celestial being....i feel safe. What do you want? I ask.... You already replies. The truth is i dont know....i dont know what it i stare in utter disbelief i feel a warmth inside me. It speaks to me. I want you to believe in yourself,like you believe in us. I feel saddened by the answer and before i can return a disappears completely. But now...... I believe in my friends when others don't. I have faith in my own beliefs when others follow their own. But more importantly i believe in me.