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Apr 2018
A Man



A man is first born into this world

A small babe, a bundle all curled;

He lays there so gentle and sweet

Nothing to defend himself, no nails, no teeth:


A blank slate waiting to learn and absorb

They pick up on everything, like a glutton they gorge;

So who taught them to be so violent and bold

We watch as, boys will be boys the old adage is told:


A man is told he’s suppose to fight for his belief

So he’ll fight his best friends over a disagreement, no matter how brief;

But if that same man is also soft, caring, and sweet

He’s called a *****, a girl, proclaiming he’s weak:


Who came up with this definition of a man

Because I can’t follow this creed, it’s not who I am;

I cry at the movies, and get chills from a song

Having feelings and emotions, who’s to say this is wrong:


So I’m here for all the men, afraid to find their own voice

The wars we wage, and women we ****, it isn’t a right it’s a choice;

We all have a moral compass that should be followed

And never believe (their) lies, so easily swallowed:


A man is he, and he is I

We are all multifaceted, like the sides of a die;

A wise man once sung, he lived for the sake of others, so they could do the same

So I write this poem for him, myself, and you with no shame:
Written by
Lucio  45/M/Oregon
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