Yesterday I choked and cried as I brushed my teeth. This morning I spat blood into the sink because I’d flossed my gums too hard The taste made me nostalgic As I scrubbed with disregard For any pain or blood or damage That my neurosis may just cause I’d bathe in straight up acid Just to put these thoughts on pause. I washed my hands 147 times today But bleached them only twice My fingers are still burning After that neurotic sacrifice And I’d scour my wrists with steel wool If it would only make me clean Submerge my face in lava And wash my hair with gasoline. So I’ll write this down with hopefulness As I sanitise my skin That cleanliness will help me sleep And feel less grimy from within. I brushed my teeth until I bled today Soaked my hands in hydrogen peroxide Scrubbed my body with a Brillo pad But I’m ******* never satisfied. I still feel ***** I always feel *****.