A loaf of bread Baked fresh Just an Hour past Sea salt and Rosemary All mixed Into the Dough
A stack of Paper Each of the Sixteen sheets I made yesterday Under the light of The Half Moon I used rosemary And amber To give it scent Almond paste And rose petals For texture Fuchsia For color
A quill Plucked from The wing of a Cawing raven The feather’s point sharp Its neck strong And the smooth Body As black as Night’s whisper
These are My hidden treasures And gifts to you The bread will fill Your stomach While the paper Drinks the ink From that quill Held steady in Your hand
Use these sixteen sheets Of rosemary and Amber scented Paper To keep alive Your sixteen years On this Earth
Worry not of The years after For you will Learn the ways Of creating paper The sea salt From the loaf The light of the Half Moon And the cawing Song of the raven Will teach you
Most important I bid you Take these gifts And embrace them With a smile A single tear I allow No more
Accept that I Have sunk to the depths Of this sea With the coral And shrimp To keep me Company
I have lived A grand life With laughter and sobs Kisses and bites The likes Of good And bad It was my time To go And my time To discover
Satisfy your hunger Fill the sixteen sheets With your stories And give ink to The quill’s thirst
I bid you smile And shed a Single tear I allow No more