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Mar 2018
it was never about hurting someone's
emotions, it never was and never will be,
i eat an omelette made from three
abortions in the morning
knowing exactly why the fulmar
egg harvest on the faroe island of
skúvoy happens within a 6 day window,
handel's messiah before breakfast,
and God went to the cinema on
the 7th day, or rather: **** never
gets tired on the 7th day,
      for 6, 6, for six days the dormant
spermatoid in the yoke
like a tapeworm egg inside the flesh
of animals or fish...
                 anything good on a Friday
becomes black bile tipping
      charcoal and tar onto hushed
sleepy azure, just after the rain...
   and if i didn't have my daily feast
of abortions, and as the doctors prescribe
so too the ****** ate her placenta
once she gave birth to her litter of puppies...
so even day that a man should not
be at the time of birth,
     said those, behind the midwife curtain...
and in more ancient times,
the people would sacrifice their born
who would hinder into the *****
and bowels of Moloch...
          a Catholic school will teach
and meddle with the yet to mature minds
of teenagers with these matters,
       mind you, Seven Kings, Ilford,
England, used to be a primarily Irish
                  expecting teenage pregnancies?
apparently no latex fetishism for men,
a woman will find discomfort even
there, and may her jaw droop and break
when she decides to chew another piece
of menthol chap chap chap...
in the 9 tiers there can only be blurred lines,
in exhausted poetics of genesis,
      the shameless woman and the man
lesirued by one less possession,
    one less obligation,
         the poverty of the English language
attempting continental existentialism,
patron saint of bachelors,
          who we know by the name Emmanuel,
and in defence,
    a life sentence a woman looking into
the firey eyes of Moloch,
   perhaps even a man, yet so stands
    the argument: for those without responsibility
but the cult tongue,
         and so the cheetah and the herd
without being picky about being peckish!
could the predator be cowardly
for not attacking the bull of the herd?
   the incompatible heart of a Christian
and the relentless eyes without eyelids
of the serpent of Darwin...
      but even with the settled ethics under
Caduceus... ah...
    but of course: the "immaculate" conception
is the captain steering this sinking ship...
6 days dormant the spermatoid
in the yoke... 3 abortions for breakfast...
i have no problem... truly immaculate
to call it man who could breath in liquid
for 9 months... bathing and breathing via
the placenta?
       i guess that's how factions form,
               glory to the egg, the yoke and
       the frozen spermatoid within it...
         and if i wrote on paper and felt some
immediate dissatisfaction,
              the paper would be crunched up
   into a scrappy multi edged ball,
         and thrown into the bin,
    to allow a new breath, a new re-reading
of the topic...
Mateuš Conrad
Written by
Mateuš Conrad  36/M/Essex (England)
(36/M/Essex (England))   
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