Five pennies make a nickel oh to trade for giant pickle. Deal a deal a shiny button In exchange for slice o mutton. If me be a little silly Swap it out for *** of jelly. And if I sound a great big ****** change it for some peanut butter. Trade my outhouse by the moat For a topped- off gravy boat. And me plenty, many worries For a plate of huckleberries. Replace me dreams of good eats For some REAL potted meats. And me sad wants and wishes For food filled up dinner dishes. Trade roof forever leaking For a bucket of fried chicken. And faucet missing gasket For a filled up picnic basket. Barter socks stiff and holey For a Mexican bowl of mole' Swap a dish rag smells a funny For a jar of good old honey. What I'm saying I so poor I just want to eat some more. Be willing barter piece me soul Ultimately want my tummy full.
Let's be silly and have fun with poetry too. Keep writing. Eryck