What started as a hobby 16 years would soon become my passion The art of telling stories or expressing myself in ways I couldn’t imagine I went from reading my moms poems to copying poems from english books to rewriting those poems in my own words to writing raps doing what I saw on TV but somewhere down the road, I never thought I’d fall in love with this thing we call poetry I could’ve turned out to be another statistic by hanging out in the streets instead I stayed in the house watching TV & listening to beats I had many things running thru my mind but it was nothing I could tell anyone about even if it was something interesting about me that they could learn about Fast forward to my senior year of high school when I recited my 1st poem in front of my class explaining the anger I kept built up for so long & I watched their eyes grasp my wrath All i could remember was blacking out to let my emotions steer the ride of my heart as the passion & pain would tear me apart That one moment of truth made me realize that maybe this dream of mine isn’t a dream but a way to connect to the intellect & strangely enough boost my self esteem 16 years of perfecting my craft, 16 years of keeping my passion alive 16 years of becoming what I am today & 16 years of that I’ve been able to survive I’d tell you that you’re crazy if you told me that my poems would save a life when it’s just me telling the struggles & battles that I’ve faced in my life I became someone that some consider a hero & developed a fan base that love my pain & for them, seeing someone brave enough to tell their story is the sunshine of our dark rain