A million tasty pastries and all the time to bake Croissants, croquembouche and fruit atop a crepe Eclair? I'm there. Cannoli? Holy moly! A big ol' slice of cherry pie? My, oh, my! Throw in a dozen doughnuts, you're sure to drive me nuts No ifs, ands, or buts... But if you ever serve me a slice of chocolate cake You best believe I'll never partake- The thought of eating it alone just makes my heart ache! Buttercream? What a dream! Brownie batter bites? Up all night, I just might! German streusel? There's no refusal. Just don't do any cake on my birthday, If you did, it'd just be the worst day And I'd weep me to sleep because the hate of cake is so deep- I'd love to see it in a heap...it just feels so cheap.