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Mar 2018
You were just like the darkness in a tunnel
I once walked in…
There was a clue I will be getting in there,
Then one fine day
I was inside that tunnel
I saw you
Your chest,
I do not get to see first
And so I came
Little by little
I saw
I never get to see everything that will follow
But who cares
You were my home
And now
You are a closed door
And I,
A tenant waiting outside
Waiting for the doors to open
But you were locked
So I stayed
Kissed the rain
Felt the sun lighting on my face
Days and days passed
There was a notice
That you were never going to open
And so I smiled
And one fine day
Waited still
For the rays of the sun
For the rain to drop
I can’t tell the difference anymore
between a sunny and a rainy day
Between summer and winter
I can barely tell
Everything felt
Just the same
Before you came,
Lena Bitare
Written by
Lena Bitare  33/F/Marikina, Philippines
(33/F/Marikina, Philippines)   
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