Look, i don't know why i feel The way that i do, I wish i had an answer as to why-- Why i feel fragile, and weak.. Why i always feel so out of tune I feel fine one day and the next i feel I feel so out of it.. My heart pounds, my breathing quickens And I'm clenching my jaw to keep from Screaming and choking back words.. I move as fast as i can to reach a clear so i can let them out To let the tears roll down Sometimes i don't even make it And i have no explanation why this happens It happens when I'm alone, while I'm speaking over the phone, When I'm with you im okay I can speak But something takes over me And i feel lifeless Empty but with all the emotions That someone threw out and latched to the nearest body to control I feel like a puppet stuck with a never-ending Understanding why i can't breatheeeeee In moments like thissss Will i ever get over feeling panicky Or will i always be stuck with my anxiety? - M.