Why Why do these waves of your memories crash so harshly on my shore? I see you smiling Laughing Was the pain so much to bear? Why Why did you leave me? It hurts so much just looking at you At what you once were At what you are to me. At what you were to yourself. Why Why couldn’t I save you? You screamed until your throat tore You cried until your tears refused to flow You prayed for that moment of freedom Until your last breath So why couldn’t I see your desperation sooner? It’s all my fault I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I don’t deserve this happiness This happiness that you never felt I can’t live with all this pain But time heals. One day, long after this You will be but a fleeting memory A remembrance of days gone by without care One day I will stop mourning you One day I will stop listening to your voice. One day I will forget you. It may take a month A year A decade I will let you go But for now, I’ll hold onto you a little longer I’ll cry a little harder I’ll scream a little louder I’ll live a little fuller I’ll do this all for you Because I love you.