it’s one of those mornings where I just want to run, mama.
I get up, only to brush my teeth, comb the knots out of my hair, and put on dainty heels (to make dainty gestures to important men in business apparel) and spend eight hours using my false eyelashes, bright voice, and candied lips to appease the disgruntled populace.
my inner goddess flails her arms recklessly, bruising my heart, my lungs, my stomach, my soul, her cage. every day I hear her sobs emanating from my core.
is this what you raised me to be, mama? a little bit of a slave to the system and sucker for the city?
if I were to throw it all away, what would they call me? what would they do to me, were I to abandon my heels for bare feet melting into the damp Earth?
like some ancient character in a brilliant mythology I want to let it all burn just to rise from the ashes all over again.