There is no lonelier feeling than seeing my neighbors porch light at three am without my glasses He stopped smoking, years ago I think it's because the neighbor's daughter was watching
Our cats were always wandering into his yard And by wandering, I mean deliberately running away from our dogs, who were inhibited by fencing Right now, I am inhibited by glass
Something went wrong when they insulated my bedroom So I felt the 20 degree chill through my 102 degree fever I felt like I should probably be sleeping But everyone felt so far away, and it's not supposed to be like that
I dreamt somebody was throwing rocks at that window But when I woke up, I couldn't find a face to fit the body There is nobody to call me at three am Nobody to make the room feel warm again I imagined lighting a campfire in my head I imagined the smell of pine and soot And I forgot about the window, I fell asleep.