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Mar 2018
/then let us see... how empire, contra a commonwealth, works! past the heart and tongue, i know what else transcends lying, in what it's allowed to speak! for a desired purpose, to excuse a succumbing to a grief!/

between burgarian prostitutes
and turkish barbers?
             not much, english,
in terms of making a slave out
of myself,
to that, most, mundane,
of a history, of the once famous empire;
now i turst the russians,
when they burst the bellybutton
****-wit of:
             sorry... the colonial past
is over;
      now the h'american is to
                go on...
                   i'm just dying to know,
what sort of ****** tourists
you make...
               overtly proud...
        and just, plain,
                    *******, annoying;
better you have only a 3rd of the populace
owning passports...
       what, because they can,
and i can't?!
                      the only muslims i
respect are the turks...
                 well... the do actually use
tha latin script...
                          so that makes them
our last remaining rejects,
our lost trojan cousins...
                plus they've perfected
the barbarism of the profession
of being barbers...
                            the only muslims
i could ever give an respect for,
are the turks...
                given the fact that they're
not exactly pompous arab nomads
who were given a free gift with
having inherited oil...
               and built greater
stagnations of process than
the egyptians ever did with their
*******, pyramids!
                in terms of islam
your one safety resides with
hearing the turks speak...
         the rest is sand-******
camel-jockey crap,
or what remains a bangladeshi joke
concering the saudis....
                        like i said prior:
he already had his 2nd crucifix moment
with the up-side-down done to st. peter...
now i get to wash my hands clean
of the matter, a second time...
          since, i hardly gambled,
but when there was a worthy gamble,
i attempted to read a history;
singing orff's o fortuna
               in baritone,
                rather than in castrato!
well: so comes the appropriate
gesture of: oops.
Mateuš Conrad
Written by
Mateuš Conrad  36/M/Essex (England)
(36/M/Essex (England))   
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