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Mar 2018
I bet she’s a natural blonde
And isnt up to her elbows in bleach
I bet she ends up taking you places
Maybe France maybe the beach

I bet she makes you laugh
When all I seem to do is wrong
I bet her eyes become your favorite
And you forget about me after long

I bet she doesn’t whine
When you ask her to do anything
I bet she plays instruments
And like an angel she can sing

I bet she introduces you
To new exotic things
i bet she doesn’t ask for anything
No diamonds or shiny rings

I bet you’re happier with her
I wish I could prevent
I bet you’re holding hands with her
youre fully and finally content

I bet I’m lying in my bed
Wishing you were mine to hold
But I’ve ****** up too many times
And you decided it finally got old

I bet I think about her
Every single day
And how she ended up with my lover
And how I ruined things in every way

I bet you’re really happy
And thats actually really good
I know I can’t have you
But I wish I had understood

I bet I still love you
In fact I’m sure I do
I just can’t imagine how I did it
I can’t bare losing you
Written by
pearl  22/Non-binary/hell
     emnabee and Me Díaz
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