...Starting with yourself! The process...journey is ever changing, even when it all looks the same. Forgiving and accepting, moving forward, change/growth, Loving (giving and receiving). Learning something new everyday. Don't judge or label it. Open up to it and see where it takes you...you can always choose to change if it doesn't work for/to your good. Share all you have learned and experience, for where you have walked can light the way for someone else. I want to walk where you have walked. I know my experiences will be different for yours but to be where you have been, left your energy to guide the way is a great comfort to me. I will make certain the paths that I have walked before you, will have my energies to light your way and Love to wrap you up to keep you safe. It will be so exciting to sit and talk to you about all we have learned on this journey!!!! Thank You!!! What a Grand and Glorious Time it will be.......