Imagination now rules the day in the past this was not the case when I shared all God gave in pursuit of **** delights I was the one that had no clothes my audience watched as I danced pursuing work that paid the bills while learning trade as engineer
between the end of class and my pillow found by sleep I bared all at Rusty’s side duo dancers in birthday suits the dollar bills rained to earth or were stuffed in parts untoward fame was mine to embrace on the stage of college years
you’d wonder why I did not keep to the path of Magic Mike XXL could have been sought instead of twiddling computer bits the answer is modesty knowing that I still possess the tool that pleased an audience concealing now for decency
I’ll not judge my wanton past it was delightful, though too short when the world asked for more clothes to wear, not to disrobe perhaps I’ll take up the craft though many years have gone past imagination says ‘please no’ make them wonder what’s below.
“Not To Disrobe” was inspired by an online article about ladies leaving something to the imagination. I was reminded that this was not path in the past. All of my erogenous zones were on display This is not the case now as I embrace the drama of tantalization.