Everyone needs Everyone wants Everyone dreams Everyone feels Everyone fears But does everyone really love?
I know that I can love I know my needs I know I have fears I know my wants I don't always know how I or everyone feels I know I have dreams
You tell me all of your dreams You tell me of your love You tell me how you feel You tell me all your needs You tell me all your wants You tell me all your fears
I want to forget my fears I want to live all of my dreams I know not every girl gets what she wants I want to spread and share all of my love I want to meet all of my needs More than anything I want to feel
Tell me how you feel Can I help you forget your fears? Am I one of your needs? Who is in your dreams? Who is it that you love? Am I, is this what you really want?
You are what I want I want to know how you really feel I think you are who I love Your rejection is one of my biggest fears Happiness underlines all of my dreams This is all I need
What you don't want is what I fear How I want you to feel is in my dreams Your love is what I need