Gas lit grassroots **** so thick gotta wear muck boots to walk in your America We suffer your hysteria
Every time a poll opens amber waves whitewash wavering opinions on old, dusty musty issues with presorted used tissues and a brown paper bag to make the rotten fruit taste that much sweeter
And you rob us You bend us over with a power tie and some brand new pant suit but the flag on your lapel is a lie and you couldn't cough up a first of the month bill toss up If somebody kicked your kid's *** out of private school for low fundage
And yet Here You Are Again on your stump with your hand out looking for another term to fill your bank account as you scoff at a grand in my hand like it was just dust in the wind from your lungs Hot air Rotten Rancid It's disgusting the way you whisper acid into our ears every two to four years
You've still got your hands in our pockets but nobody ever gets a happy ending do they, Mr congressman? Do they, Mrs congresswoman? You split us down the middle Perfectly parted partisan propaganda Party lines Party lies You're all the same vampires You're all the same tar pit trap with a worm at the bottom hungry for favorable public opinion
about how it's acceptable to **** us over and over again
Please sir, may I have another? Excuse me Mrs, may I please cut the grass at the border? Can we watch willingly or not for an example of how to accomplish nothing and get paid for it? Uncle and aunt touchy need their hands chopped off and I need an endless flow of cold beer to drink the pain away year after year
Just a hypothetical but wouldn't it be beneficial if the government were suffocated by pillows in our sleep?