On the bluff I saw the earth no longer seen when it's concealed by the veil that's been dropped across the past and future both they say Satan brought Christ here showed him the kingdoms down below offered temptation to crack the whip bring control over all mankind
the view is different while he stands at my side with words that blind whispered drops of honeyed poison asking same in dire exchange a soul given up for some peace to stop the pain that grinds me down all the kingdoms would be in thrall removed from sight as therapy
I mull this offer in my mind emotions shutdown by the grind sympathies swept away with the void takes their place it's too tempting to put aside the cliff is perfect for the fall if only I could see beyond the fog of pain that fills my life
when past and future are no more only present with chains that hold me to this ground no matter what anguish God puts on my plate I’ll then see temptation's oil all too slick in promises mankind be ****** would be the choice on the bluff by Satan's side.
The story of Jesus and Satan standing on a high mountain is one that fascinates me. He took Jesus to a high mountain and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor. “‘All this I will give you,’ he said, ‘if you will bow down and worship me.’” It seems this is the contract struck between portions of Christianity and current political expediency (the 45th!). The religious would probably say that political power gained is used in pursuit of saving souls. I wonder, but that’s just me. Stretching the analogy, the story also speaks to the temptation of only seeing life as a physical manifestation of pain. The temptation is to lay down the soul in an effort to escape torment. "By Satan's Side" is retelling based on the need to escape pain of living.