Statements flow on the wire complete strangers sharing life whispered honesty on the wind all too raw for most men both by picture and by text sent there by the desperate I’ll receive them with a heart heavy with the like ailments
digital voices in their bottles matched to faces of the past they’re not the same as the now it matters not for what’s been done tableaus of their suffering echo on my inner shell not the same but close enough to resonate inside my head
these are bubbles that some hate thinking they lock in the hurt I’ll disagree from my core it’s really good to see the door this room now filled by the same seeing hope and answers both the latter comes from company distress conveyed and then heard
knowing that I am not alone others suffer in this life the joke of God is spread afar with statements coming on the wire those afflicted are still worthy by their example I’m relieved that the sharing salves my soul perhaps one day I’ll do the same.
YouTube can serve up many things to the viewer. Stories of mental health struggles may be viewed alongside cat videos. “Statements Come” is about the helpful nature of digital sharing.