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Mar 2018
The rain is pouring hard today, and I am not with you. My thoughts linger and find you still, though. It is the time of the day when the sun has just finished setting, but a little light still hangs on to the sky ready to sleep. I imagine the world being wrapped in a humid coldness, with you and me living in it. I can see you and me in your single bed, with our skin cold from the weather, with the evening chill clinging onto your bed sheets. I'm laying on your chest and you're brushing my hair with your fingers. We both have heavy eyelids, remaining quiet so as not to break the white noise engulfing us. I picture you planting a kiss on my forehead. I can see you sleepily smiling from the corner of my eye, with my eyelash brushing against your chin with every tired blink. We stay quiet, but our bodies converse. Your index finger traces patterns on my right shoulder down to my arms. My breath creates warm patches on the dip of your neck. It's dark now. We both have the same thought in mind: this is perfect. But we don't have to say it to let each other know.

The rain is pouring hard today, and I am not with you.
k o s m i k
Written by
k o s m i k  20/Bigender/Philippines
       Amanda Kay Burke
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