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Sep 2012
I'd fail if they let me, I'd fail on purpose
Because them and I don't share the same idea for success
I'd walk away from the false promises of a bright future
I'd walk to freedom, not towards their awaiting capture

Their three white walls I'd stare at all day
The above minimum wage, the hourly pay
live in an empty apartment, with a cashier job
listening through the walls to the neighborly sobs

I'd sit and think about every thing from leaves on the autumnal tree
to the fact that there is no one sitting on the bed next to me
from the worms who flounder under the dirt
to why I personally was put on this earth

The meaning of love
to the stars above
Galaxies and galaxies full of stars
the old veteran who drinks in the bar

The biggest smile on my face
bigger than you'll have at the end of this race
Sitting alone in the thoughts in my mind
in the thoughts that I think to pass the time
I do not envy who you will be
I am perfectly fine being me.
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