****, turns out i'm good at
fanboy lit.
or what i should rather say,
the beast
that constitutes
the sound technicians
at music feeds studio,
even with a cheap
inserted into a samsung
notably with the following
track ghost's
rendition of their song ritual...
otherwise the burned
version by 22valkryia's
yet there's a more subtle
i never really appreciated
because the rhythm
guitar section almost always
the cushion underpinning
of employing a bass guitar
to make a drummer
less pots and pans
and actual drums...
i could never pick up the bass
notes in their music...
well, apart from devil's dance,
but... that's hardly an
if i can't pick up
on the bass guitar presence,
i don't know why the music
has to lean so much on rhythm guitar,
rhythm guitarist's megalomania
i suppose...
it's still amazing
to appreciate the golden ratio
element of how to synchronise
all the instruments, with the vocals,
condensed into a bite
rather than just overblown
concernt hall orchestral suites...
golden ratio interpretation?
the following schematic:
with instruments in between
the extremes grinding teeth,
i.e. synchronised flow,
d? drums
v? vocals...
if drums are in synch. ratio
to the vocals,
authentic melody can
between them...
always the missing bass line
in metallica,
overbearing with rhythm guitar...
i'm not surprised why
9,260,609 people have
listened to this track
at 01:47 sunday march 4th...
and to think that
something like https://oeis.org/A060707
(the online encyclopedia
of integer sequences)
and here's me,
a pauper with a poem.
i have absolutely no idea
what motivates me to write these
bites into a blank canvas,
just today i "discovered" 4chan.
little help did it do me,
arthur scherbius
and his antithesis
alan turing,
and now this:
content creators...
if i were to make my bets:
i'm collateral (in the adjective form)
but hey,
in the meantime there's the remaining
and this track
of music
that's infuriatingly good
in the capacity to cause
a shiver.
in the memory of: martyrs.