listening in on a debate, having, just, discovered lords of acid and the song young boys... crypto-currency and crypto-language, algorithms and acronyms... facing up to the archaic, i'm becoming a.i. myself, point being... samsung doesn't allow: for the existence of money, nothing, is ever, demonetißed or rather: nothing is ever monetißed; if using samsung you'll find that there's an experience of purging advertisers... and i have spoken to an advertiser over a drinking session at liverpool st., once upon a time, to my surprise he too was surprised that we managed to mention sartre - hardly the mighty pornographer i said to him, it was all about voyeurism. for all i see are gluttonous tongues, and lazy hands... or what would be best coined as: the restictive ethics of freedom, or rather the implosion: ethics per se. the ape and the "bang" in a vacuum doesn't really cut it for me; but sure as **** ol' jacky d. does.