god, americans and their acronym fetish... i still haven't read a word of stephen king; it appears... only louise ciccone paid for the "concept" of fame... me? just burped and had a gravity experience trying to look for a swing... that hit me on my head when i was 6... but you know: never mind... tanz! one of those words "borrowed" from german... tanz! and suddenly an orchestra appears... tanz! one or two pompons later, some snow, and a dance improptu in the form of tanz... well... it's not exactly a wagner gesticulation... but there isn't a bunny moment to misnomer heath ledger as hugh hefner... + a prolonged pause consisting of: the dog died, the leash was born. acronyms as in: the lost art of spelling? why don't they simply call it oh-hi-oh... i'm pretty sure most of russia is the "bit" of encompassing the ural mountain nightmare of a border... the rest? that's fake russia, i.e. asia. acronyms... ****... the easiest access to, cipher. U / S A U / S A GO AWE AYE! i bow before cats attempting to fall asleep... now the talking point, it's this a matter of: acronyms being the safest form of cipher.